Sound is important for communication and it is also a key to personal safety in situations where a noise can warn us to approaching danger. Most of us take our hearing in stride and probably don't appreciate what we have been given until it is taken away. The ability to hear can be lost in an instant with a loud explosion, a foolish prank played with an airhorn, or standing too close to very loud speakers at a concert. The abuse our ears take slowly reduces their sensitivity, and we all become slightly more deaf as the years pass. We can, however, slow that negative progression and retain our good hearing well into old age, if we take just a few precautions, and provided we don't have an inherited hearing problem.
We all know that loud noise can damage our hearing - but not enuough noise can also impair it. It can be - if the music is too loud. It sit closer to the eardrum, so it create more sound pressure that traditional earphones, increasing the risk of damage. If you hear ringing in your ears or if things sound muffled after listening, you're likely overdone it. Usually the problem subsides, but listening to lound music regularly, with any types of headset, could lead to permanent hearing loss. Any type of headphone has the potential to cause [noise-induced hearing loss] if used improperly in terms of absolute level of the sounds, the length of exposure time to sound, and the fit of the earphones or headphones.
Loud rock music contributed to hearing loss among baby boomers, but MP3 players are poised to make the problem much worse for the next generation. These devices, which pump music through earphones directly into the ear canal, enable the user to overcome the rumble of the subway or the drone of an airplane engine without drawing angry shouts of "turn it down!As a result, they easily desensitize the user to dangerously high sound levels. A CD player and a Walkman do too, but MP3 players such as the iPod pose an additional danger. Because they hold thousands of songs and can play for hours without recharging, users tend to listen continuously for hours at a time. They don't even have to stop to change a CD or a tape. Longer Listening, More Damage. Since damage to hearing caused by high volume is determined by its duration, continuous listening to an MP3 player, even at a seemingly reasonable level, can damage the delicate hair cells in the inner ear that transmit sound impulses to the brain. Every time you increase a sound level by three decibels, listening for half as long will produce the same amount of hearing loss. Most of the guys probably listens for several hours a day, placing a large noise burden on his hearing even if turns it down when not cutting grass. Now, anywhere we can simply found the people hearing the music with earphone [of course including me] hehehe!!!!I love music too but what we can do is trying to reduce it. It really affect our hearing.
You can click Preventing Hearing Damage When Listening With Headphones for more information or details. Should you share your idea or suggestion to reduce hearing loss ?
Friday, June 29, 2007
"Protect Our Ears"
Posted by
TwiNkLe LiFe
8:56 AM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
"Cancerous Food"
Why is nitrite detrimental for health?
Nitrite is converted to nitrosamines (a carcinogenic chemical compound) during cooking. These nitrosamine cmpounds are linked as a cause of stomach and oesophageal cancers. Apart from cured meats, nitrosamines are also found in tobbacco and beer.
Cured meats are harmful to the body if consumed in large quantites because of the sodium and potassium nitrite compounds they contain. The indigreients are added to cure meats to prevent the growth of a bacterium whose toxin causes botulism, which in turn leads to paralysis and death. It also what produces the characteristic flavour, texture and pink colour of cured meats. Cured meats such as bacon not only clogs the arteries but lungs functions as well. Although there is no dietary recommendation for the consumption of curedmeats , the general sentiment is to eat them sparingly as occasional treats rather than dietary staples.
Healthy Options : Replace ham with tuna or eggs in sandwiches; Opt for beancurd instead of luncheon meat when ordering bee hoon or nasi lemak; Order roast chicken instead of honey baked ham for special occasions; have fresh fruit with cereal instead of bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Before eat satay, don't ever forget to eat the cucumber in advance. This is because eating satay together with carbon after barbequing may easy cause cancer. Satay has carsinogen (a cancer causing element) and cucumber has anti-carsinogenic. That's why we should eat cucumber before eat satay. So remember eat the cucumber the next time you have satays.
DO NOT eat shrimp/Prawn if you have just taken VITAMIN C pills!!
This will cause you to DIE in ARSENIC (As) toxication within HOURS!!
Try this and see whether the pork you bought has worms. There goes with your "Bak Kut Teh" for those who love it. Most men love to eat this so watch out before it's too late.
If you pours Coke (yes, the soda) on a slab of pork, wait a little while, you will SEE WORMS crawl out of it.
"A message from the Health Corporation of Singapore about the Bad effects of pork consumption. Pig's bodies contain MANY TOXINS, WORMS and LATENT DISEASES. "
Although some of these infestations are harboured in other animals, modern veterinarians say that pigs are far MORE PREDISPOSED to these illnesses than other animals. This could be because PIGS like to SCAVENGE and will eat ANY kind of food, INCLUDING dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta including their own, garbage, and other pigs. INFLUENZA (flu) is one of the MOST famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. This illness is haboured in the LUNGS of pigs during the summer months and tends to affect pigs and human in the cooler months.
Sausage contains bits of pigs' lungs, so those who EAT pork sausage tend to SUFFER MORE during EPIDEMICS of INFLUENZA. Pig meat contains EXCESSIVE quantities of HISTAMINE and IMIDAZOLE compounds, which can lead to ITCHING and INFLAMMATION; GROWTH HORMONE which PROMOTES INFLAMMATION and growth; sulphur containing mesenchymal mucus which leads to SWELLING and deposits of MUCUS in tendons and cartilage, resulting in ATHRITIS, RHEUMATISM, etc.
Sulphur helps cause FIRM human tendons and ligaments to be replaced by the pig's soft mesenchymal tissues, and degeneration of human cartilage. Eating pork can also lead to GALLSTONES and OBESITY, probably due to its HIGH CHOLESTEROL and SATURATED FAT content. The pig is the MAIN CARRIER of the TAENIE SOLIUM WORM, which is found in its flesh. These tapeworms are found in human intestines with greater frequency in nations where pigs are eaten. This type of tapeworm can pass through the intestines and affect many other organs, and is incurable once it reaches beyond a certain stage. Many people have NO SYMPTOMS to war n them of this, and when they do, they resemble symptoms of many other illnesses. These worms are NOT noticed during meat inspections.
Dear instant noodle lovers, hehehe :D
Make sure you break for at least 3 days after one session of instant noodles before you eat your next packet! According to the doctor's advised, our body will need up to 2 days to clear the wax.
Wax coating the noodles is not just in the Styrofoam containers but it coats the noodles. This is why the instant noodles do not stick to each other when cooking. Nowadays the instant noodles are referred as " cancer noodles ". Daily consumption of instant products may result in stomach ulcer or gastritis. Furthermore, vacuum-dried food worsens the general condition of the human organism, inciting vascular and immunity problems, not to mention beriberi (vitamin deficiency disease) and shortage of minerals. Almost all instant products may lead to such lamentable consequences.
According to the above information, further you still wanna take more ? What do you think? Do share your opinoin or suggestion and let's discussed.
Posted by
TwiNkLe LiFe
11:28 AM
"Water can be without the company of humans but
we as humans can only be without water for a few days."
Human's bodies are composed of about 75% water. So we are literally walking bags of water. Water allows our blood to flow through the blood vessels thus supplying the body with vital nutrients. Also water allows waste matter to be eliminated from the body via the excretory system. Our need for water becomes very apparent when we are thirsty. The taste of water going down the throat is something we all find so much pleasure in. We drink glasses of this precious transparent liquid everyday. It is vital to our life. Water is used for drinking, washing, cleaning and just about any activity we care to do. Without water, living is virtually impossible.
This Facts About reviews water and provides a guide for selecting appropriate portion sizes and recommendations for incorporating healthy changes into our diet.
What are the recommended servings of water per day?
****Men: Drink 12 cups (96 oz./approx. 3 liters) per day
The vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their daily hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide.
Why should you drink water?
- It is an essential nutrient and makes up > 60% of adult body weight.
- It is needed for all body functions, such as nutrient digestion, absorption, transport, and metabolism.
- It aids in body-temperature maintenance.
- It is vital to electrolyte balance.
- Water contains no calories or fat.
- May help with weight loss by acting as a natural appetite suppressant.
- Prevents complications from dehydration, such as headache or fatigue.
- May benefit people with respiratory diseases by thinning mucous secretions that worsen asthma.
- May help people who experience recurrent urinary tract infections by increasing their urine flow.
Scientific tests have proven its value. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses. The water treatment had been found successful as a hundred percent cure for the following diseases:
Headache , Body ache , heart system , arthritis , fast heart beat , epilepsy , excess , fatness , bronchitis , asthma , TB , Meningtitis , Kidney and Urine diseases , vomiting gastritis , diarrhea , piles , diabetes , constipation , all eye diseases , womb cancer , menstrual disorders , ear nose , throat diseases.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure main diseases:
- High Blood Pressure 30 days
- Gastric 10 days
- Diabetes 30 days
- Constipation 10 days
- Cancer 180 days
- TB 90 days
**Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment for only 3 days in the first week to be followed by daily treatment. This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
How much water do you need? The equivalent of 8 cups of water for women and 12 cups of water for men is the minimum amount of fluid recommended daily to replace water losses under conditions of moderate activity, mild temperature, and altitude. Fluid requirements increase due to exercise, environmental factors, fever, pregnancy, and other conditions.
***Before: 2 cups, 2 hours before exercising.
***During: ½ -1 cup every 15-20 minutesAfter: 2 cups of fluid for every pound of body weight you lost during exercise.
Increase fluid intake under these conditions:
- Hot or humid climates- During/after sun exposure
- In heated, indoor air- In cold weather while wearing insulated clothing
- In high altitudes - Pregnant women should drink 2.3 liters (about 10 cups) per dayWomen who breastfeed should drink 3.1 liters (about 13 cups) per day.
Dietary Sources - Your diet provides the water your body needs. In an average adult diet, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake. The remaining 80 percent comes from beverages you drink. Beverage requirements are met best by consuming plain water. You can also choose herbal or green tea (hot or iced), diluted fruit juice, sparkling water, or add lemon/lime juice to plain water. Fruits and vegetables contain lots of water and are also good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, your daily water requirement of 8 glasses for women and 12 for men should be consumed above and beyond the water that is consumed as food. While alcoholic beverages (like beer or wine) and caffeinated beverages (like coffee and colas) can contribute to your total fluid intake, they also have diuretic properties which can cause you to urinate more often and dehydrate more easily.
Dehydration Too little water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you do not have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can make you tired. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include: Excessive thirst, Fatigue, Headache, Dry mouth, Little or no urination, Muscle weakness, Dizziness, Lightheadedness
Drinking Too Much Water is uncommon but may lead to hyponatremia, a condition in which excess water intake dilutes the normal amount of sodium in the blood.Symptoms of water intoxication include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and confusion. Check with your doctor or a registered dietitian if you're concerned about drinking too much or too little water.
Chlorine and Lead are the two most common contaminants in tap and some bottled water. Although it may serve an important role in a public water supply, chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and may increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Small amounts of lead may be toxic, especially in infants, children, and pregnant women.
- Drink water on empty stomach immediately after waking up every morning before brushing teeth, drink four glasses of water each of 160 ml.
- Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
- After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
- After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for two hours.
- Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradulayy increase it to four glasses per day.
You may views by click "water" to get more details.
Posted by
TwiNkLe LiFe
10:59 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
"Elementary Yoga"
Yoga is an ancient system of health and fitness which originated in India. There are many difference type of yoga. I was join learning the yoga since last year.It's great and fantastic. I like it very much. However, i will continue to practice as well.Many people think that yoga is stretching. But while stretching is certainly involved, really about creating balance in the body through developing strength , flexibility, stamina, focus and endurance. Any states of people can learn it. It can assist in weight loss as well as toning the body, building . The postures can also help with menstruation and menopausal problems.
Today yoga is accepted as a comprehensive exercise to promote control of the body and mind. It become accepted as one of the best ways to achieve health, fitness and balance. It is not a belief or a religion but a way for us to reach our greater potential. Through a series of physical poses and a focus on the breath and an awareness of the body . Yoga helps us to deepen our sense of well being. Meditation and breathing techniques will aid relaxation, reduce stress and calm the mind.
This is just a quick guide to the general benefits that Yoga can bring to people of all sexes and ages. As you progress with your practice you will also begin to learn that yoga can also promote healing of the mind and body. Yoga is often used as a complementary therapy alongside orthodox medicine in the treatment of many common ailments. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits. The poses can be done quickly in succession, creating heat in the body through movement or more slowly to increase stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose. The poses are a constant, but the approach to them varies depending on the tradition in which the teacher has trained.
- Do yoga only 2 / 3 hours after your heavy meal.
- Do yoga before meal.
- Do yoga before going bed.
- Do yoga 1 hour after your snack : (eg : 1 pc of ligeht sandwich, non-creamy cake of few pcs of biscuits and a cup / glass of drink, either hot or cold, or fruit juice)
- Do yoga 5 to 10 minutes after your drink.
- You can have meal immediately after the class (end yoga practic with Savasana, Corpse posture and walk slowly to a dining place).
- Do yoga even during (menstrual) period, you will need to refrain from some postures.
- Don't put on tight clothing ; it affects blood, life-force circulation and breathing
- Don't do yoga shortly after meal.
- Don't bath immediately after yoga.
- Don't do yoga in a very cold enviroment.
- Don't face directly to wind when you do yoga.
Please click the Positions to PREPARATORY EXERCISES FOR YOGA
- Lie on your back, palms face upwards.
- Keep your body straight.
- Place you arms at the side of your body, at an angle of 30 to 45.
- Spread your legs apart at an angle which you feel comfortable.
- Thumb and first finger should be in contact, forming circles of life.
- Relax every part of your body.
- Your consciousness should be kept at about 2cm just below your navel.
- Breath in slowly, imagine that life-force (qi) flows swifts from your toes' ankles, calves, and all the way to your head.
- Breathe normally for 5 sec.
- Breathe in slowly. Your consciousness on life-force-flow swifts from head, neack, ankles and ar last out from out from toes' end.
Therapeutic Effects : i) The entire nervous system get complete rest. ii) Gets rid of tiredness. iii) Regulates your breathing. iv) Normalises your heart heat. v) Insomnia sleeps better. vi) It is best way to cope with stress.
I had learning all this postures which is searching to. Hope guys try to do the practice as well and click postures for more details.
Please take note the important message as below:-
DO NOT FORCE YOUR BODY under any circumstances. My teacher always advise us that DO AS WELL AS WE CAN TRY WITHOUT FORCING. No matter how many times saying this to people, they just keep on doing it. They have been programmed to believe that the most, the biggest and the fastest are the best. They want to push their bodies right into the exercises, whether the body likes it or not. This is a great mistake that does more harm than you can imagine. Work slowly with your body. Respect its limits. These limits will gradually extend and you will gain flexibility if you work REGULARLY and sensitively at stretching just to your limits and stopping there. The body will get the message and the tension which is preventing you from proceeding will gradually be released.
BE REGULAR in you practice. A few times a week is not enough if you really want to heal or transform or develop your body. You do not need a lot of time but you do need to be regular. Twenty or even fifteen minutes a day are more effective than two hours once a week. Do not believe that you don’t have time. You will just have to make an assessment of what you are doing which is not leaving you any free time. Something can be sacrificed for this life-enhancing activity. In the end, the time you sacrifice for these exercises and other techniques, will be gained many times more? and even more through greater clarity, efficiency and less need to sleep or daydream.
DO NOT CONTINUE ANY EXERCISE WHICH CAUSES PAIN. Check with your doctor or exercise instructor what you should do. Pain is a message from the body which must be listened to. In some cases it may simply be the body’s process of changing which is causing the pain. In such cases, you simply need to bear with it and continue (without forcing) and it will gradually pass. In other cases you may be doing harm to some part of your body and may have to stop and to some other preparatory exercises before returning to that one.
I wish to improve myself to get more information or details from those people are learning yoga. Would you mind to share your knowledge with me? For the people no learning before, please give me your view or what is your opinion about yoga. Thanks and apperiate it. :D
Posted by
TwiNkLe LiFe
1:44 AM
Labels: Healthy
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
苏芮的一首老歌《酒干倘卖无》,曾经感动无数人。“没有天哪有地,没有地哪有你,没有你哪有我……”反应出了人间伟大的亲情!父母爱如山……恩情是一辈子也报答不完。 "Cherish family relationship".............."我爱你papa & mum"
关于《酒干倘卖无》,那个电影插曲。电影开头是一些杂七杂八堆着像座山般的酒瓶,一个跛脚的老人靠收集一些空酒瓶养活着自己,老人有些聋哑,不会说话,孤单的一个人,生活够苦的了。 有一天,老人在街上捡到了一个孩子,他欣喜异常,认为是真主赐给他的惟一礼物。老人将孩子带回家,用辛苦收换来的空酒瓶钱,买来廉价的奶粉,硬是让那个小女孩活了下来。活下来的小女孩在六岁的时候捡回家一条小狗,取名旺才,小狗,聋哑老人,小女孩,就像一家人相依为命地生活着。小女孩的童年就在那一堆堆如山的空酒瓶中成长,天生的好嗓子让她成为聋哑老人的传话机和一根拐仗,在每个清晨,女孩牵着爸爸,拐杖在石头上敲出美妙的音符,女孩大声地喊着,“酒干倘卖无?”“酒干倘卖无”? 再后来,小女孩长大了,谈恋爱了,她爱上了一位作词家,年轻的作词家一穷二白,却有一颗真诚爱她的心,带她走进了艺术天地。女孩的声音很脆很好听,作词家为她写下了很多的歌曲,还亲自谱成曲,让她唱。作词家对聋哑老人非常好,每次来的时候,都会给老人帮忙运酒瓶,和老人比划着说话,还逗逗旺才。一家人,生活还算幸福。老人也很爱这位年轻人。 然而有一天,女孩成名了,生活发生了质的变化,房子,汽车,周围无数追求的人,女孩还是很爱男孩,劝男孩跟她住进大大的别墅,从此不回酒瓶屋了,因为又聋又哑的爸爸,让她觉得羞辱。 男孩当然不愿意,仍然和老人来往,加上后来,女孩的名气越来越大,越来越忙,她的生活完全由经纪人安排,老人想念女儿,央求年轻男孩带他去找女儿,但还没走进演唱会大厅,就被人赶了出来。再后来,女孩也烦了,甩手给了老人一笔钱,让他再也不要打扰她的生活了。老人含泪擦干了眼睛,拒绝收下女孩一分钱,走时,甚至还留下了女孩一直爱吃的小袋松子。 男孩看不过去了,去找女孩理论,女孩的心已经装不下任何劝言,两人因为地位悬殊,从此分手。但老人终于因为思念女儿而疾劳成疾,终于病倒了,男孩只好去央求女孩,希望她能够回家看老人一眼,但女孩怎么会听他的呢?就在这时,男孩终于打听到女孩唱歌的地方,他告诉了老人,老人挣扎着起来要去看女儿,他想见女儿最后一面。不料,走在路上,一辆卡车飞过来,在眼看就要撞到老人的那一瞬间,老狗旺才猛地一拱老人,而旺才呢,被压成了两半,一条陪了老人和女孩多年的老狗,含着泪望着老人,流下最后的眼泪,死了。 男孩再也忍不住了,他决定最后一次为女孩写一首歌词,他连夜地赶啊赶,当时男孩因为长期的贫困和思念,身体已经快不行了。终于,男孩倾尽所有,写下了一首歌,让人送给了那位女孩。男孩在写完歌词后,终于因病离开了人间。 演唱会上,女孩不情不愿地打开那个男孩的纸条,发现了一首新歌,歌的大意是:
“酒干倘卖唔酒干倘卖无 酒干倘卖无酒干倘卖无
虽然你不会表达你的真情 却付出了热忱的生命
让我再和你一起唱 酒干倘卖无酒干倘卖无……”
多年前的往事于是一一再现在女孩的眼前,那个童年的小巷深处,那些年复一年堆砌得像山般的酒瓶屋,聋哑父亲为了给她买一包松子在累倒在酷暑的街头,还有小狗旺才拖着尾巴哄她下巴的温馨……女孩哭了,她终于良心发现,愧疚,伤心,不安,她一遍又一遍地学唱着这首歌,最后登台的时候,她临时通知乐队,她要加唱最后一首歌《酒干倘卖无》……女孩忘情地唱着,台下人震惊了,所有的人都几乎流下了眼泪。女孩就站在台上,对观众讲述了她的身世,然后,她不顾一切地朝医院跑去,她要见自己的父亲。 当老人终于见到女儿时,一行老泪缓缓地顺着腮边流下,老人什么话也不能说出口,只是微笑地望着女儿,慢慢地闭上了眼睛…… 而此时的画面,便静止在女孩撕心裂肺般的痛哭声中,“爸爸呀,我的爸爸呀……”音乐响起,“酒干倘卖无……酒干倘卖无……” 所有的观众,泣不成声!
我将此深具感人的歌推荐与你分享。You may click here to enjoy the touchful song and share your view or opinion to me.....^.^ Thanks a lot!!!!!........
Posted by
TwiNkLe LiFe
8:32 AM
Labels: Relationship
Saturday, June 9, 2007
"Healthy Weight Loss"
WHEN i was study in secondary school my weight gain up quickly. No matter how i control it also no use. I been try no eating ....but the result always make me disppointed. Does pressure can give people weight loss? I think some people "YES "and some is "NO". This issue have refer to different circumastances. In my situation, although me pressure under work and study. My weight still Keep "POP" up. But now, i already weight loss with the balanced diet and do some excerises. We can't rush and unpatience for it. That's important main points.
21 ST CENTURY.......We can see many weight loss adverstiment at anywhere in anytimes. Many girls keep asking how to losing more weight. In fact, they look skinny. For the girls those are over weight....they always headache for this problem. Does over weight can cause many disease? I think there is majority of the reasons. Beside aesthetic and social problems, being over weight and obese can cause health problem such as diabetes, coronary heart diese, stroke and hypertension. Obesity shortens life expectancy and can lead to sudden death. To prevent obesity and its associated problem, weight loss is important and nessary but need take it step by step approaches to healthy weight loss.
I had do some searching tips to share with all guys. Hope useful . Any one do share your experiences and view to me ? So, we can learn and discussed together to improve our life style.
- Before you begin, ensure that you have no problem no other medical problems. Seek advised from your doctor.
- Set a realistic goal, for example, at least 5% to 10% weight loss over six moths.
- Set aside time to excersice. If possible, excercise at least 30 minutes everyday.
- Start with somehting manageable such as brisk walking, climbing stairs, swimming or yoga.
- Incorporate more physical activities into your daily routine. Example : walking the stairs instead of lift.
- Join a group. Exercise is always more fun with friends.
- Don't giving up if you are not losing weight fast. Prersevere to see results. Weight loss takes place when the amount of calories burnt exceeds the amount consumed. As your body gets accustomed to exercise, increasing the duration of excersice helps you burn more calories.
- Cut down on calories - reduce the intake of fats as they are much more energy-dense and less satiaing than carbohydrates or protein. Cut back on sugar as it contributes to "empty calories".
- Enjoy a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods.
- Nothing is forbidden. High calories foods are fine as long as they are consumed in reduced portion and frequency.
- When eating out, choose healthier alternatives such as noodles soup, instead of fried noodles.
- Read nutritional labels on food itemsbefore buying them. This helps you to select healthy food that is lower in fat and calories, and higer in fibre.
- Avoid unorthodox diets such as cabbage soup, low carbonhydrates or high fat/protein diet and slimming pills. They have not been proven to work in the long run.
- Discourage eating behaviours that promate over eating, such as eating when stressed or eating in front of the television. If you take in more calories than what your body needs, it will be stored as fat and you will gain weight. Losing weight involves more than just getting rid of fat. It also encompasses eating for good healthy and enjoyment.
Below Is Counting BMI Format
Obesity is defined as an excess amount of body fat, which is measured by the body Mass Index (BMI).
BMI = Weight (Kg) / Height (m) x Height (m)
i) <18.5>
ii) 23.1 - 27.4 Overweight
iii)32.5 - 37.4 Severe Obesity
i) 18.5 - 23 Normal weight
ii) 27.5 - 32.4 Obese
iii)≥37.5 Morbid Obesity
* BMI values are diffrent for non-Asians
* BMI values for Asians only
Posted by
TwiNkLe LiFe
9:29 AM
Labels: Healthy