"Water can be without the company of humans but
we as humans can only be without water for a few days."
Human's bodies are composed of about 75% water. So we are literally walking bags of water. Water allows our blood to flow through the blood vessels thus supplying the body with vital nutrients. Also water allows waste matter to be eliminated from the body via the excretory system. Our need for water becomes very apparent when we are thirsty. The taste of water going down the throat is something we all find so much pleasure in. We drink glasses of this precious transparent liquid everyday. It is vital to our life. Water is used for drinking, washing, cleaning and just about any activity we care to do. Without water, living is virtually impossible.
This Facts About reviews water and provides a guide for selecting appropriate portion sizes and recommendations for incorporating healthy changes into our diet.
What are the recommended servings of water per day?
****Men: Drink 12 cups (96 oz./approx. 3 liters) per day
The vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their daily hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide.
Why should you drink water?
- It is an essential nutrient and makes up > 60% of adult body weight.
- It is needed for all body functions, such as nutrient digestion, absorption, transport, and metabolism.
- It aids in body-temperature maintenance.
- It is vital to electrolyte balance.
- Water contains no calories or fat.
- May help with weight loss by acting as a natural appetite suppressant.
- Prevents complications from dehydration, such as headache or fatigue.
- May benefit people with respiratory diseases by thinning mucous secretions that worsen asthma.
- May help people who experience recurrent urinary tract infections by increasing their urine flow.
Scientific tests have proven its value. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses. The water treatment had been found successful as a hundred percent cure for the following diseases:
Headache , Body ache , heart system , arthritis , fast heart beat , epilepsy , excess , fatness , bronchitis , asthma , TB , Meningtitis , Kidney and Urine diseases , vomiting gastritis , diarrhea , piles , diabetes , constipation , all eye diseases , womb cancer , menstrual disorders , ear nose , throat diseases.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure main diseases:
- High Blood Pressure 30 days
- Gastric 10 days
- Diabetes 30 days
- Constipation 10 days
- Cancer 180 days
- TB 90 days
**Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment for only 3 days in the first week to be followed by daily treatment. This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
How much water do you need? The equivalent of 8 cups of water for women and 12 cups of water for men is the minimum amount of fluid recommended daily to replace water losses under conditions of moderate activity, mild temperature, and altitude. Fluid requirements increase due to exercise, environmental factors, fever, pregnancy, and other conditions.
***Before: 2 cups, 2 hours before exercising.
***During: ½ -1 cup every 15-20 minutesAfter: 2 cups of fluid for every pound of body weight you lost during exercise.
Increase fluid intake under these conditions:
- Hot or humid climates- During/after sun exposure
- In heated, indoor air- In cold weather while wearing insulated clothing
- In high altitudes - Pregnant women should drink 2.3 liters (about 10 cups) per dayWomen who breastfeed should drink 3.1 liters (about 13 cups) per day.
Dietary Sources - Your diet provides the water your body needs. In an average adult diet, food provides about 20 percent of total water intake. The remaining 80 percent comes from beverages you drink. Beverage requirements are met best by consuming plain water. You can also choose herbal or green tea (hot or iced), diluted fruit juice, sparkling water, or add lemon/lime juice to plain water. Fruits and vegetables contain lots of water and are also good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, your daily water requirement of 8 glasses for women and 12 for men should be consumed above and beyond the water that is consumed as food. While alcoholic beverages (like beer or wine) and caffeinated beverages (like coffee and colas) can contribute to your total fluid intake, they also have diuretic properties which can cause you to urinate more often and dehydrate more easily.
Dehydration Too little water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you do not have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can make you tired. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include: Excessive thirst, Fatigue, Headache, Dry mouth, Little or no urination, Muscle weakness, Dizziness, Lightheadedness
Drinking Too Much Water is uncommon but may lead to hyponatremia, a condition in which excess water intake dilutes the normal amount of sodium in the blood.Symptoms of water intoxication include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and confusion. Check with your doctor or a registered dietitian if you're concerned about drinking too much or too little water.
Chlorine and Lead are the two most common contaminants in tap and some bottled water. Although it may serve an important role in a public water supply, chlorine is a strong oxidizing agent and may increase the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Small amounts of lead may be toxic, especially in infants, children, and pregnant women.
- Drink water on empty stomach immediately after waking up every morning before brushing teeth, drink four glasses of water each of 160 ml.
- Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
- After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
- After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for two hours.
- Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink four glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradulayy increase it to four glasses per day.
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