OUR AGE is determined by the date we are born. But although we consider this chronological age to be our real age, we often overlook the fact that some people with a chronological age of 60 may be as fit as 40-year-olds, yet others have a chronological age of 35, but in terms of their physical condition are 55 years old. This means not only that our chronological age may not be always correct, but also that in many cases it can actually be misleading. To determine a person's true state of health, we must examine their biological age. Biological age is calculated on the basis of a person's actual physical, and mental condition – and therefore expresses their true age.
Do you know your biological age? Do you know whether you are »younger« or »older«, biologically speaking, than your chronological age? Find out here by completing our test – you'll discover some important facts.
Here are some tests we all can try. But don't be panice if you get an alarming score. The results aren't conculsive in isolation.
Balance : Stand on your left leg with your right leg bent behind you, Your hands on your hips and your eyes closed. Time how long you last before losing your balance. Use your best score of three.
- a) 70 plus sec age ===> 20s
- b) 60-69 sec age ===> 30s
- c) 50-59 sec age ===> 40s
- d) 40-49 sec age ===> 50s
- e) 30-39 sec age ===> 60s
- f) 20-29 sec age ===> 70s
- g) under 20 sec age ===> 80s
Reaction : Ask a friend to hold a ruler 45cm above the thumb and for the finger of your drawing hand. When he drops it, measure how far it falls before you catch it.
- a) Under 15cm age ===> 20s
- b) 15-24cm age ===> 30s
- c) 25-29cm age ===> 40s
- d) 30-35cm age ===> 50s
- e) Over 40cm age ===> 60s
Skin elasticity : Pinch up as much skin on the back of your hand as you can. Then release it and time how long it take to lie flat again.
- a) Under 1 sec age ===> 20s
- b) 1-2 sec age ===> 30s
- c) 3-4 sec age ===> 40s
- d) 5-10 sec age ===> 50s
- e) 11-30 sec age ===> 60s
- f) 33-45 sec age ===> 70s
- g) 46 plus sec age ===> 80s
Mental Agility : Count backwards from 100 in seven : 100, 93, 86, etc. Time how long it takes to get down to zero. If you're under 40s you should manager it in less than 20 sec, 40s-60s under 25 sec. Now think of as many fruit and veg as you can in a minute. If you're under 60s you should get at least 15 sec. If you struggle with either you need to do cognitive excercises.
Cholesterol : Look in the mirorr at your eye. Is there a white arc around the edge of your cornea? It is caused by fatty deposits and the longer and more complete the line, the more it indicates a prolonged fatty diet. An unbroken ring is a cause for concern in middle age.
Hey guys , you may click here or this to continue your age test. Hope enjoy "Testing" and share with me how do you feel about your "Real Age"? hehehehe!!!! :D
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