Yoga is an ancient system of health and fitness which originated in India. There are many difference type of yoga. I was join learning the yoga since last year.It's great and fantastic. I like it very much. However, i will continue to practice as well.Many people think that yoga is stretching. But while stretching is certainly involved, really about creating balance in the body through developing strength , flexibility, stamina, focus and endurance. Any states of people can learn it. It can assist in weight loss as well as toning the body, building . The postures can also help with menstruation and menopausal problems.
Today yoga is accepted as a comprehensive exercise to promote control of the body and mind. It become accepted as one of the best ways to achieve health, fitness and balance. It is not a belief or a religion but a way for us to reach our greater potential. Through a series of physical poses and a focus on the breath and an awareness of the body . Yoga helps us to deepen our sense of well being. Meditation and breathing techniques will aid relaxation, reduce stress and calm the mind.
This is just a quick guide to the general benefits that Yoga can bring to people of all sexes and ages. As you progress with your practice you will also begin to learn that yoga can also promote healing of the mind and body. Yoga is often used as a complementary therapy alongside orthodox medicine in the treatment of many common ailments. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits. The poses can be done quickly in succession, creating heat in the body through movement or more slowly to increase stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose. The poses are a constant, but the approach to them varies depending on the tradition in which the teacher has trained.
- Do yoga only 2 / 3 hours after your heavy meal.
- Do yoga before meal.
- Do yoga before going bed.
- Do yoga 1 hour after your snack : (eg : 1 pc of ligeht sandwich, non-creamy cake of few pcs of biscuits and a cup / glass of drink, either hot or cold, or fruit juice)
- Do yoga 5 to 10 minutes after your drink.
- You can have meal immediately after the class (end yoga practic with Savasana, Corpse posture and walk slowly to a dining place).
- Do yoga even during (menstrual) period, you will need to refrain from some postures.
- Don't put on tight clothing ; it affects blood, life-force circulation and breathing
- Don't do yoga shortly after meal.
- Don't bath immediately after yoga.
- Don't do yoga in a very cold enviroment.
- Don't face directly to wind when you do yoga.
Please click the Positions to PREPARATORY EXERCISES FOR YOGA
- Lie on your back, palms face upwards.
- Keep your body straight.
- Place you arms at the side of your body, at an angle of 30 to 45.
- Spread your legs apart at an angle which you feel comfortable.
- Thumb and first finger should be in contact, forming circles of life.
- Relax every part of your body.
- Your consciousness should be kept at about 2cm just below your navel.
- Breath in slowly, imagine that life-force (qi) flows swifts from your toes' ankles, calves, and all the way to your head.
- Breathe normally for 5 sec.
- Breathe in slowly. Your consciousness on life-force-flow swifts from head, neack, ankles and ar last out from out from toes' end.
Therapeutic Effects : i) The entire nervous system get complete rest. ii) Gets rid of tiredness. iii) Regulates your breathing. iv) Normalises your heart heat. v) Insomnia sleeps better. vi) It is best way to cope with stress.
I had learning all this postures which is searching to. Hope guys try to do the practice as well and click postures for more details.
Please take note the important message as below:-
DO NOT FORCE YOUR BODY under any circumstances. My teacher always advise us that DO AS WELL AS WE CAN TRY WITHOUT FORCING. No matter how many times saying this to people, they just keep on doing it. They have been programmed to believe that the most, the biggest and the fastest are the best. They want to push their bodies right into the exercises, whether the body likes it or not. This is a great mistake that does more harm than you can imagine. Work slowly with your body. Respect its limits. These limits will gradually extend and you will gain flexibility if you work REGULARLY and sensitively at stretching just to your limits and stopping there. The body will get the message and the tension which is preventing you from proceeding will gradually be released.
BE REGULAR in you practice. A few times a week is not enough if you really want to heal or transform or develop your body. You do not need a lot of time but you do need to be regular. Twenty or even fifteen minutes a day are more effective than two hours once a week. Do not believe that you don’t have time. You will just have to make an assessment of what you are doing which is not leaving you any free time. Something can be sacrificed for this life-enhancing activity. In the end, the time you sacrifice for these exercises and other techniques, will be gained many times more? and even more through greater clarity, efficiency and less need to sleep or daydream.
DO NOT CONTINUE ANY EXERCISE WHICH CAUSES PAIN. Check with your doctor or exercise instructor what you should do. Pain is a message from the body which must be listened to. In some cases it may simply be the body’s process of changing which is causing the pain. In such cases, you simply need to bear with it and continue (without forcing) and it will gradually pass. In other cases you may be doing harm to some part of your body and may have to stop and to some other preparatory exercises before returning to that one.
I wish to improve myself to get more information or details from those people are learning yoga. Would you mind to share your knowledge with me? For the people no learning before, please give me your view or what is your opinion about yoga. Thanks and apperiate it. :D
Hey Twinkle, looks like we really got sence connected lorrr.. I did a new post "Zumba VS Yoga" on Wednesday.... for that I do show whats the difference between Zumba n Yoga.
For me, I Like Zumba better. It's great!! Fun! Sweat! Rock! I love it so much!
But anyway, your post kinda helpful too, make me know more abt Yoga... may love it one day..who knows ...hehe !!
Heavengal,I do belive we have "six sense" lolzzzz....:D
Thanks for your comment.....
Of coure it depend of personal favourite in first place.
Yoga and zumba are different.
I love "deep relaxtation" "peace" and i doesn't like "rock" hehehe :D
Temporary i don't like "Zumba" not mean that forever....Maybe a day i will love it else will know what happen in further....
"sense" mind thinking with heavengal again..:D....lolzzzzzzzz
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